September 16 - September 21, 2002, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia |
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Technical Program
Monday, September 16th, 2002
University of Nizhny Novgorod, building 10,
Bolshaya Pokrovskaya str., 37, Assembly hall
The opening address of the conference chairman professor
Roman G. Strongin.
Prof. Klimenko S.V. (Protvino). Distributed virtual environment
applications in science education and industry based on PC-Linux clusters
and standard components.
Prof. Lee V.G. (Taganrog). Discrete geometric modelling(simulation)
in problems of synthesis of objects and processes of environment of a virtual
reality. Technology of open digitization.
Prof. Vasin J.G. (N. Novgorod). Geographical information
systems: theory & practice.
12:30-14:00 LUNCH
Machine Learning for General Purpose Declaration Scene Modeller.
Plemenos D., Miaoulis G., Vassilas N.
Surface Reconstruction From Problem Point Clouds. Emelyanov
A., Skala V.
Geometric Approach to Chebyshev Net Generation Along an Arbitrary
Surface Represented by NURBS. Popov E.V.
Rapid Incremental Architectural Modeling from Imprecise Perspective
Sketches and Geometric Constraints. Sosnov A., Huot S., Mace P., Hegron
NC Milling Programs Optimization with 3D Geometric Modeling.
Troitsky D., Novikova M., Bannatyne M.
Concept of A Self-Learning Parametric CAD System. Inozemtsev
A., Troitsky D., Yatsuk O., Bannatyne M., Grigorieva N. A
16:30-16:45 Coffee break
From Monte Carlo to quasi-Monte Carlo. Dmitriev K.A.
Modelling of operations, executed by a virtual model of an
astronaut. Lee V.G., Surgenko I., Saprunov V., Kolomiytsev D., Ulyadurov
Graphic representation of a maneuverability of the intellectual
mobile robot, with the help of the analysis of varieties of points of space
of instant speeds of change of the generalized coordinates. Pritykin F.N.
Euclidian Steiner tree problems for four random planar terminal
points. Sinitsin S.I.
Computer graphics for video simulator. Mikhailuk M.V.
Accurate photorealistic texture mapping for metric 3D models.
Knyaz V.A.
View design for visualization of performance data for parallel
programming DVM-system. Baydalin A.Yu.
Perspective plotting of objects' reflections in curved mirror
surfaces. Borodin N.M., Artemov E.V.
On development of methods of multidimensional visualization.
Vasev P.A., Perevalov D.S.
Visualization of realtime shadows in rendering systems for
aerospace simulators B.S. Dolgovesov N.R., Kaipov A.A., Kochergin A.A.
Reference points search on vector images by corner detection
via statistical hypotheses estimation. Nepomnyaschy P.V., Yurin D.V.
The object-oriented aspect of Adobe PostScript interpreter
construction. Solovyov A.G., Shishalov M.V.
The net technology application for learn program development
of movement object control in three-dimension space (on example of air-model
simulator). Tutin V.V.
Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Color Histogram Correlation.
Bashkov E.A., Shozda N.S.
Tuesday, September 17th, 2002
Face and facial feature tracking for natural Human-Computer
Interface. Vezhnevets V.
Streaming waveform data processing by Hermite expansion for
text-independent speaker indexing from continuous speech. Krylov A.S.,
Kortchagine D., Lukin A.
Method for merging 2.5 scans into complete 3D model. Amelin
V.V., Knyaz V.A.
Designing of a rational curve of the third order with an
improper cusp. Furzikov S.A.
Kinematics modeling of 3D-constructions in CAD-systems by
AutoCAD. Turlapov V.E., Lukin D.V.
Motion synthesis method in 3D computer animation tasks. Semakin
11:30-11:45 Coffee break
Computer-graphic modelling of kinematic ruled surfaces based
on rolling a cone along a torse. Rachkovskaya G., Kharabayev G.
Matrix Factorization Based Iterative Algorithm for 3D Shape,
Motion and Camera Focal Length Recovery in Perspective Projection. Yanova
N.V., Yurin D.V.
Definition of the form of the sign as collections of a skeleton
and forming. Ivanova V., Mishko S.
Real-time Facial Expression Animation on An Individualized
Face Using
Adaptive Simulation Algorithm. Zhang Y., Prakash E., Sung
Image Processing Library (IPLab) and Its Temporary Optimization.
Bogin I.V., Chepin E.V.
Surfaces and patches of arbitrary forms based on scalar and
analytic perturbation function. Vyatkin S.I., Dolgovesov B.S.
13:00-14:00 LUNCH
Virtual model of the manipulator ERA in problems of visualization
of activity of an astronaut – operator. Lee V.G., Saprunov V., Kolomiytsev
D., Bugaev E.
Usage of prefiltering methods for video compression ratio
increase on bitrates 600-1000 Kbit/s. Dmitriy Vatolin
Light Field Mapping: A Method Support for Progressive Encoding,
Compression and Interactive Visualization of Surface Light Fields. Smirnov
A., Molinov S., Simakov D., Grzeszczuk R.
Utilization of Animations for Construction Visualization.
Cory C.
Main Features of the Scientific VR? Visualization Package.
Zibarov A., Babayev D., Mironov A., Komarov I., Konstantinov P.
Coffee break 16:30-16:45
VisAEffect: the software tool for 3D vector and scalar field
visualization with texture animation.
Anikanov A.A.
The view development for specialized systems of computer
visualization. Averbukh V.L., Baydalin A.Yu., Gorbashevskiy D.Yu., Ismagilov
D.R., Ismagilov T.R., Chernin R.M.
Texture parameterization with Hermite functions. Krylov A.S.,
Kutovoi A.V., Leow W.K.
Parallel radiosity algorithm with simplified calculation
of form-factors. Debelov V.A., Sattarov M.A.
The visualization of geophysical information. Kulikov A.I.
Geometrical questions of adaptive manufacturing techniques
of designs process of winding. Ausheev T.V.
The application of constructive geometry methods for visual
synthesis and analysis of computer programs. Voloshinov D.V.
Study of the speaker identification algorithm based on the
vector quantization of the cepstral coefficients. Zintchenko E. J.
Construction of model of stirring of bulk materials. Ivanov
An approach to movement parameterization in computer character
animation. Ilinykh M.S.
Creation of fundamentals and optimization geometry information
technology for local and global nets transfer. Kopteva L.G.
The adaptive builder for interactive tasks on massive parallel
computers Manakov D.V., Shagubakov M.R.
Construction of information models for graphic information
systems in railway transport. Smirnov S.N.
Finding of set of false geometrical elements of the wire-frame
models in the synthesis of object on his projections. Turina V.A.
Modeling behavior of a cloth on? the surface of firm body.
Frolovsky V.D., Gazizova N.N.
Wednesday, September 18th,
Skeleton-contour representation of binary images with applications
to video data analysis Sobolev A, Chudinovich B., Bovyrin A., Eruhimov
V., Pisarevsky V.
Semi-adaptive dictionary based compression of map images.
Akimov A., Kopylov P., Fränti P.
Effective method for illumination calculation by probability
density for secondary beam generation. Kopylov E.A.
“CONTOUR” Algorithm for Finding and Visualizing Flat Sections
of 3D-objects Mogilenskikh D.V.
Using of a modular approach while constructing a multipurpose
system of scientific visualization. Zenkov A.I.
11:30-11:45 Coffee break
Unsupervised Algorithm for Images Segmentation on the Base
of the Rayleigh 2D Objects Boundaries Detector. Mintchenkov M.V., Yurin
D.V., Helvas A.V.
Real-time system for recognition and identification of human
face features based on PC and web-camera. Vizilter Y.V., Zheltov S.Yu.,
Ososkov M.V.
Fast Ray Tracing for Modern General Purpose CPU Hurley J.,
Kapustin A., Reshetov A., Soupikov A.
The system of the automatic identification of signs of geometrical
figures. Shevtsov D.
Simulation of signs of an arbitrary nature on discrete sets
with the purpose of their further identification. Shevchuk H., Kotvinsky
13:00-14:00 LUNCH
On construction of fundamental images in geometry. Grafsky
The blue-room technology to create multimedia movies Debelov
V.A., Zhmulevskaya D.R., Shevtsov M.
Research of intersection line of surfaces of the second degree
in course of theoretical basis of computer geometrical simulation. Kheyfets
16:30-16:45 Coffee break
Impossible figures and a number of other non-standard examples
of spatial simulation in AutoCAD. Kheyfets A.L.
CD " Kievo-Pecherskaya Lavra Treasures" and website of national
Kiev and Pechera historical and cultural reserve. Kovalev A.A.
Art usage of a computer graphics in creation of compact discs.
Malkina E.V., Shvetsov V.I.
in NII PMK, Ulyanov str.,
The 2.5-d autonomous navigation of vehicles with a use of
terrain digital maps. Vasin J.G., Lebedev L.I.
Problems of Traffic Simulation on a Road Network. Kuzikowski
S.A., Lavrentiev M.M., Belago I.V., Bartosh V.S.
Construction of GIS control based on formal models of computational
process. Vasin J.G., Kuzin S.G., Malygin A.
Near optimal procedures of objects identification and detection
on images automated design using genetic algorithms. Buryak D.Y., Vizilter
Satellite images transformation to geographical projection
with adaptive choice of optimal approximation method according to local
compression coefficient. Nepomnyaschy P.V., Yurin D.V.
Development of the graphic interface and topological tasks
of AutoCAD Map and Land Development Desktop for engineering geoinformation
system of the enterprise. Tomchinskaya T.N., Golub S.V., Turlapov V.E.
16:30-16:45 Coffee break
Avenue-application for University Educational Department
Work with Time-table Realized in ArcView GIS Environment. Tomchinskaya
T.N., Guskov I.N.
Methods of continuous level of detail for terrain visualization.
Elykov N.A., Belago I.V., Kuzikowski S.A., Nekrasov Y.Y.
Coordinates transformation in GIS. Lebedev K.V.
Hierarchical coding technology of video information. Vasin
J.G., Zherzdev S.V.
Graphical database management system. Vasin J.G., Yasakov
Expansion of opportunities of the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer.
Galochkin A.G.
Education Program
Thursday, September 19th, 2002
9:00 Algorithms for data and image compression. Vatolin
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00. Educational course "Key animation". Mikhailuk
Friday, September 20th, 2002
9:00 High-Quality Head Model Calibration Pipeline. Ivanov
D., Lempitsky V.
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00 Educational seminar "Descriptive geometry and engineering
graphics adaptation to 3D-technology computer design". Kheyfets A.L.
Saturday, September 21th, 2002
9:00 Nanosystem Design with Dynamic Collision Detection
for Autonomous Nanorobot Motion Control using Neural Networks. Cavalcanti
A., Freitas R.
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00 Educational course "Engineering geometric simulation".
Rukavishnikov V.A.