You can make your own HTML pages include a version of The Impressionist by following these directions.First you'll insert some stuff into the HTML page where you want this application to appear. Then you'll have to copy over two
files and a specialmenu.gif
image. Some of this horrible goo is needed because Netscape appears to be very restrictive in what files can be read from where. If you can figure out a better way, please let me know.Here's a step by step description of what you need to do:
1. Read all the directions before you start.
2. Put the image you want to use as a source for colors in the file "
" in your paint directory. Make sure your image does not use transparency as these images may not appear correctly in some JAVA browsers. Also, try to make your source image as small as possible, so it will download fast. Sometimes using fewer colors can actually make nicer paintings! The resolution of the source image can be fairly low and everything will work fine - most of my source images are about 350 pixels across, and use 64 colors.You can provide a JPEG image instead of a GIF image if you like. Make sure the name of the image ends in ".jpg" or ".jpeg".
3. Create an HTML page in the paint directory. Include the following segment of HTML code:
Specify the size of the painting window with the<applet code="Impression.class" width=400 height=430> <param name="source" value="mypicture.gif"> <blockquote> Sorry! This application will only appear in browsers that support JAVA!<br>Get the new version of Netscape 2.0b3 when you can! </blockquote> </applet> <br> <br> <a href=""> <font size="1">H E L P</font></a><br> <br>width
tags. The size of the painting window can be larger or smaller than the source image you provide. The actual height of the painting area will be 30 pixels less than the given height, since a menu is drawn at the bottom of the window.Be careful not to make the width less than 295 pixels, otherwise your users won't be able to change the brush shape.
More information on the
tag shown above is available.
Below is the menu image. Press the right mouse button over it and use the "Save this Image as..." selection on the menu to save it to a file called
in your paint directory. You can also click on this image and save it tomenu.gif
from your image viewer - it's your choice.
And here are links to the two JAVA
files. Click on each one of these links, and then use the "File" menu on Netscape to select "Save As...". Save them asImpression.class
in the same directory asmypicture.gif
Check the sizes of the .class files after transfer.Impression.class
should have exactly 6575 bytes.MemoryImage.class
should have exactly 1524 bytes.5. Now try viewing your .html page by giving Netscape a URL that starts with
If it doesn't work, make darn sure thatImpression.class, MemoryImage.class, menu.gif, mypicture.gif
, and your.html
file are all in the same directory.Ok, That's it. If you get this working, and want to share a link to your page, email me a note, and perhaps I'll put up a list of user links!
If you have problems let me know.
NOTE 1: The best source images for this kind of painting technique have good composition and a simple structure. Try to use this on different types of images and see what works and what doesn't work!
NOTE 2: If you want additional control over the appearance of this application on your pages here are some additional tags you should know about. You can set the RGB color of the initial canvas, the border and the text, using these tags right after the
<param name="source" value="mypicture.gif">
tag shown above.<param name="canvascolor" value="ffffff"> <param name="bordercolor" value="000000"> <param name="textcolor" value="008000">These tags set the initial canvas color to white, the border color to black and the text color to green.
Good luck!
A B O U T the I M P R E S S I O N I S T
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http://graphics.cs.msu.suПоддержка и дизайн: Алексей Игнатенко