Graphics & Media Lab. >> Курсы >> Курс Ю.М.Баяковского 1999

Introduction to Geometric Transformations

Translation, rotation, scaling, and shearing are all examples of geometric transformations. Multiple copies of an object can be created by drawing the same object using a series of different transformation matrices.

(image courtesy of Robert Lansdale)

The Graphics Pipeline

Most rendering algorithms can be separated into two or more distinct stages. The graphics pipeline is a useful abstraction of the rendering process as well as a block diagram for dedicated graphics hardware.

Definitions Related to Geometric Transformations

affine transformation
A transformation which preserves the parallelism of lines, but not necessarily angles or lengths.
right-handed and left-handed coordinate systems

homogeneous coordinates
In homogeneous coordinates, each cartesian point (x,y,z) is represented in a redundant manner by 4 coordinates, (hx,hy,hz,h). Setting w=0 can be thought of as a point at infinity or, more simply, a direction.

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