Alexey Lukin, Daria Kalinkina, Denis Kubasov
Most images coming from digital stills cameras are contaminated with
noise. Here we illustrate some algorithms for suppression of white noise in digital
The noise is assumed stationary, white (or at least wideband), and
non-correlated with image. Noise of digital cameras approximately satisfies these
![Port_.png (91428 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_.png) Clean image |
![Port_noisy_.png (102123 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_noisy_.png) Noisy image |
Simplest methods for noise reduction (or denoising) just blur
the image in areas where no image details are present. Near details the blur amount is
reduced or no blurring is performed at all. Usually such methods have rather low quality,
they leave noisy contours around image details and blur some image details.
Most popular methods for noise reduction are wavelet thresholding
methods. Wavelet transform has the energy compaction property, i.e. it compacts energy of
most useful image details into relatively small number of wavelet coefficients. Therefore
we can zero (or lower the magnitude of) the rest of coefficients assuming them to be
noise, and perform the inverse wavelet transform to restore the denoised image. Wavelet
transform allows to suppress noise across various scales, including large-scale
low-frequency noises.
![Port_noisy_.png (102123 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_noisy_.png) Noisy image |
![Port_gauss_.png (87453 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_gauss_.png) Adaptive blur |
![Port_dwt_.png (90543 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_dwt_.png) Wavelet thresholding |
We propose the algorithm that is based on paper "Adaptive Principal
Components and Image Denoising" (Muresan, Parks, 2003). The adaptive denoising
using principal component analysis (PCA) has been improved and hybridized with wavelet
transform. This has enabled us to reduce the Gibbs phenomenon (ringing) that appeared in
the original PCA-denoising.
Here you can download our paper from "Lomonosov 2005" conference
(in Russian): "Combining PCA and
Wavelet Transforms for Image Denoising" (PDF).
The accompanying presentation (in Russian,
Power Point format) can also be downloaded.
- Pizurica, Zlokolica, Philips,
"Combined Wavelet Transform and Temporal Video Denoising"
- Chang, Yu,
Vetterli, "Spatially Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding with Context Modeling for Image
- Marpe, Cycon,
Zander, Barthel, "Context-based Denoising of Images Using Iterative Wavelet
- Muresan, Parks,
"Adaptive Principal Components and Image Denoising"
The proposed algorithm features high quality of PCA denoising and at the
same time addresses its artifacts: significantly reduces Gibbs phenomenon and effectively
suppresses large-scale low-frequency noise. If compared with wavelet thresholding methods,
our algorithm better adapts to edges and lines of different orientations.
![Port_dwt_.png (90543 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_dwt_.png) Wavelet denoising |
![Port_pca_.png (88396 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_pca_.png) PCA denoising |
![Port_mapca_.png (85206 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_mapca_.png) Proposed method |
![Port_dwt_zoom.png (90543 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_dwt_zoom.png) Wavelet denoising |
![Port_pca_zoom.png (88396 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_pca_zoom.png) PCA denoising |
![Port_mapca_zoom.png (85206 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Port_mapca_zoom.png) Proposed method |
![Susy_.png (25257 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Susy_.png) Clean image |
![Susy_noisy_.png (28642 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Susy_noisy_.png) Noisy image |
![Susy_gauss_.png (24366 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Susy_gauss_.png) Adaptive blur |
![Susy_dwt_.png (24201 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Susy_dwt_.png) Wavelet denoising |
![Susy_pca_.png (22913 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Susy_pca_.png) PCA denoising |
![Susy_mapca_.png (22249 bytes)](../../../img/rus/illustrations/research/Susy_mapca_.png) Proposed method |