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W S C G ' 9 7
The Fifth International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics and Visualization'97
in cooperation with IFIP working group 5.10 on Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds
February 10 - 14, 1997
University of West Bohemia, Campus Bory, Plzen - Bory, Czech Republic

List of WSCG'97 attendees
Visual Numerics International GmbH
Hewlett Packard s.r.o. , IBM CR s.r.o. ,
Digital Equipments s.r.o. , Intergraph CR s.r.o. , Microsoft s.r.o.
Temacom a.s. , Vikomt s.r.o. , DTP Studio Praha s.r.o.
ISMAR s.r.o., CHIP , Coca Cola Amatil s.r.o., Pilsner Urquell
Invited speakers
Greiner,G., Seidel,H.-P.: Splines in Computer Graphics, University of Erlangen, Germany
Yagel, R.: Towards Virtual Surgery: Goals and Achievements, The Ohio State University, USA
International Programme Committee
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, MIRALab-CUI, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, Co-Chair
Vaclav Skala, Univ. of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, Co-Chair
Vera Anand (USA) |
Wilhelm Barth (A) |
Alan Chalmers (UK) |
Steve Cunningham (USA) |
John Day (AU) |
Dieter Fellner (D) |
Andrej Ferko (SK) |
Eduard Groeller (A) |
Roger Hubbold (UK) |
Laszlo Sirmay-Kalos (H) |
Lars Kjelldahl (S) |
Tosiyasu L.Kunii (J) |
Annie Luciani (F) |
Vojtech Mockrzycki (PL) |
Laura Moltedo (I) |
Werner Purgathofer (A) |
Hans-Peter Seidel (D) |
Francois Sillion (F) |
Jiri Sochor (CR) |
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger (A) |
Alade Tokuta (USA) |
Philip Willis (UK) |
Charles Albert Wutrich (D) |
Roni Yagel (USA) |
Alan E. Middleditch (UK |
Jiri Zara (CR) |
Conference Program
Monday February 10, 1997
- Guided trip to Pilsen Urquell brewery, departure at 13.00 from Slovan hotel - free of charge
- 15.00 - 17.00 registration at the University of West Bohemia, Bory Campus
- 19.00 - 21.00 registration in the hotel Slovan
Tuesday February 11, 1997
7.00 - 8.30 Registration for "late" attendees only (special shuttle buses will leave hotel Slovan at 6.55 and 7.40)
8.45 - 9.00 Opening session
9.00 - 10.20 Visualization
- Blasi,P., Wuethrich,C.: Realistic Rendering Algorithm for an Intuitive Interpretation of 3D Scalar Fields (F,G)
- Kim,M.-A., Lee,E.-J., Cho,H.-G.: A Visualization Technique for DNA Sequences Using k-convex Polygon (KR)
- Lee,W.-S., Poston,T.: Rapid 3D Tube Reconstruction from nearby views (CH,SG)
- Teitzel,C.,Grosso,R.,Ertl,T.: Line Integral Convolution on Triangulated Surfaces (D)
10.40 - 12.20 Session A Image Processing
- Buck,M.: A Differential Alignment Approach for the Extraction of Photo Textures (D)
- Fischer,S.: Image Segmentation by Water-Inflow (D)
- Fischer,A., Steinhage,V.: Solid Modeling for Building Extraction in Aerial Images (D)
- Pogoda,A., Steinhage,V.: Building Detection in Edge-Representation of Aerial Photographies by Means of Heuristic Histogram Analysis (D)
- Palenichka,R.M.,Rytsar,Y.B.,Ivasenko,I.B.,Rakhletski,Y.Y.: Structure-Adaptive Image Filtering Using Trimmed Mean Values (UA)
10.40 - 12.20 Session B Modeling
- Lang,V.,Lienhardt,P.: Cartesian Product of Simplicial Sets (J,F)
- Liege,S., Hegron,G.: An Incremental Declarative Modelling Applied to Urban Layout Design (F)
- Luciani,A., Godard,A.: Simulation of Physical Object Construction Featuring Irreversible State Changes (F)
- Lorenz,M., Chavelski,S.: Computer Modelling and Case Study (D)
- Riseman,E., Wang,X., Hanechak,B., Schultz,H., Hanson,A.: Extracting Road Networks from Natural Terrain for Visualization (USA)
12.30 - 13.30 LUNCH
13.30 - 15.00 Invited paper
- Yagel, R.: Towards Virtual Surgery: Goals and Achievements, USA
15.30 Departure for Pilsen Brewery museum guided visit (number of attendees is limited to 30 - free of charge - ask at the registration desk)
Wednesday February 12, 1997
8.00 - 9.40 Volumetric Models
- Csebfalvi,B., Szirmay-Kalos,L.,Marton,G.: Fast Opacity control in Rendering of Volumetric CT Data (H)
- Gallo,G., Spampinato,D.: Graph-trees: An Efficient Data Structures for Compact Binary Pictures (I)
- Jaillet,F., Shariat,B., Vandrope,D.: Deformable Volume Object Modeling with a Particle-Based System for Medical Applications
- Meyer,J., Gelder,S., Kretschmer,K., Silkenbaumer,K., Hagen,H.: Interactive Visualization of Hybrid Medical Data Sets (D)
- Simpson,T.: An Efficient, High Quality Method for Rendering Irregular, Quadratic, Volume Data (UK)
10.00 - 11.20 Imaging & Modeling
- Benes,B.: Fast Estimation of Growth Direction in Virtual Plants Simulation (CR)
- Korfatis,I., Parker,Y.: 3D Object Metamorphosis Through Energy Minimisation (UK)
- Lionello,R.: Three Dimensional Imaging for Magnetohydrodynamic Computations (I)
- Tunali,G.D., Ozguc,B.: Animating Facial Images with Drawings: A Critical Survey with an Application (TR)
11.30 - 11.50 Special presentation
- Garton, A.: Lost Time Accidents, (A journey towards self-evolving, generative music for interactive multimedia content), Centre for New Media Arts, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
12.00 LUNCH
13.00 - 16.00 Commercial Presentations
- PV Wave - Short tutorial, Visual Numerics Int. GmbH (D)
- Hewlett Packard workstations, Hewlett Packard (CR)
- 3D Graphics Toolkits on the WEB, TGS-G5G (F)
- Project JUPITER, Intergraph s.r.o.(CR)
- Data Analysis and Visualization with the IDL system, CREASO GmbH (D)
- Virtual Reality System VRT, Superscape Ltd. (UK) & Ismar s.r.o. (CR)
- Computer Animation 95 - Video Show
Thursday 13, 1997
9.00 - 10.40 Virtual Reality and Interaction
- Grimsdale,R.L., Lambourn,S.J.: Generation of Virtual Reality Environments using Expert Systems (UK)
- Hirose,M., Ogi,T.,Riesterer,M.: Program Visualization in a Virtual Environment (J)
- Seligmann,D.D., Edmark,J.T.: Automatically Generated 3D Virtual Environments for Multimedia Communication (USA)
- Meseure,P., Chaillou,C.: Deformable Body Simulation with adaptive Subdivision and Cuttings (F)
- Roerdink,J.B.T.M., van Delden,M.J.B., Hin,A.J.S., van Wolffelaar,P.C.: A Prototype System for Real Time Computer Animation of Slow Traffic in a Driving Simulator (NL)
11.00 - 13.00 Constraint Motion
- Kolmanic,S., Zalik,B.: Interactive Variation of Geometric Shapes Inside a Constraint-Based Environment (SI)
- Kuchar,O., Scrimger,J.N.: Biomechanical Modeling and Animating Human Hand Movement (CA)
- Loukipoudis,E.N.: Extending a Constructive Solver with Constraints Inferred by Variable Topology Parametrisation (BG)
- Plemenos,D., Tamine,K.: Increasing the Efficiency of Declarative Modelling. Constraint Evaluation for the Hierarchical Approach (F)
- Zhang,J., Vuong,T.P.: Using Wavelet Transformation to Support an Efficient and Adaptive Image Data Handeling within a Mobile Environment (D)
13.00 LUNCH
14.00 - 15.40 Session A Computational Geometry
- Brun,L., Domenger,J.P.: A New Split and Merge Algorithm Based on Discrete Map (F)
- Cazier,D., Dufourd,J.-F.: Robust Boolean Operation on Polyhedral Solids defined as Rewrite Systems (F)
- Cho,H.-G.: On the Expected Number of Common Edges in Delaunay and Greedy Triangularization (KR)
- Marcheix,D., Gueorguieva,S.: Incremental Nibble Mesh: An Algorithm for Triangulation of Non-Manifold Solid Boundary (F)
- Szirmay-Kalos,L., Foris,T.: Radiosity Algorithms Running in Sub-quadratic Time (H)
14.00 - 15.40 Session B Visualization
- Loeffelmann,H., Groeller,E.: DynSys3D: A Workbench for Developing Advanced Visualization Techniques in the Field of Three-dimensional Dynamical Systems (A)
- Rauschenbach,U., Schumann,H.: Adaptive Image Transmission (D)
- Schmidt,T., Ruhle,R.: An Object Oriented Tool for Visualization and Debugging of Finite Methods (D)
- Dalto,L., Pulin,M., Jessel,J.-P.,Caubet,R,: A New Approach for Multiple Scattering Modelling in Participating Media (F)
- Sturzlinger,W.: Global Illumination with Glossy Surfaces (A)
16.00 - 17.40 Session A Algorithms
- Hartl,M., Krupka,I., Poliscuk,R., Liska,M.: Computer-Aided Evaluation of Chromatic Interferograms (CR)
- Marak,I., Benes,B., Slavik,P.: Terrain Erosion Model Based on Rewriting of Matrices (CR)
- Neuhauser,M.A.: Symbolic Perturbation and Special Arithmetics for Controlled Handeling of Geometric Degeneracies (A)
- Sojka,E.: A Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Sorting the Intersection Points between a Jordan Curve and a Line (CR)
- Wuetrich,C.A.: On Curve Rasterization in n-Dimensional Space (D)
- Zikan,K., Konecny,P.: Lower Bound of Distance in 3D (CR)
16.00 - 18.00 Session B Computational Geometry
- Magova,I., Ferko,A., Niepel,L.: On Edges Elimination for the Shortest Mesh (SK)
- Paul,A., Dobler,K.: Adaptive Realtime terrain Triangularization (D)
- Szirmay-Kalos,L.: On the Limitation of Worst-case Optimal Ray Shooting Algorithms (H)
- Yu, Y.-J., Kang,Y.-H., Cho,H.-G.: A New Image Warping Technique using Mesh Pattern Textile (KR)
- Zakowska,L.: The Effect of Road Visualization Method on Driver's Road View Perception (PL)
- Zhukov,S., Iones,A.: Open 3D Animation System Based on Procedural Motion Generation (RU)
Friday 14, 1997
9.00 - 10.40
- Greiner,G., Seidel,H.-P.: Splines in Computer Graphics (D) - Invited Lecture
- Chirikov,S.V., Paltashev,T.T., Balabko,P.A.: New Method of Parametric Curves Rasterization and Its Applicatoon for Fast Bezier Patch Shading (RU)
- Fischer,M.: PENGUIN - A Portable ENvironment for a Graphical User Interface (D)
11.00 - 13.00 Visualization & Surface Meshing
- Stamminger,M., Nitsch,W., Slusallek,P., Seidel,H.-P.: Isotropic Clustering for Hierarchical Radiosity - Implementation and Experiences (D)
- Mabin,F.H., Mongenet,C.: Sewing Faces: A topological Reconstruction of 6-connected Objects Bounding Surfaces in 3D Digital Images (F)
- Cooper,L., Maddock,S.: Preventing Collapse Within Mass-Spring-Damper Models of Deformable Objects (UK)
- Englert,R.: Handling Irregularities of 3D Building Data During Surface Computation (D)
- Heijs,A.W.J., Janssen,W.B.J.M., Lowe,C.P., Bakker,A.F.,Leenders,R.: Combined Smoothing and Decimation of Complex Pore Network Geometries (NL)
- Sellinger,D., Plemenos,D.: Interactive Generative Geometric Modeling by Geometric to declarative Representation Conversion (F)
13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH
14.00 - 15.40 Global Illumination
- Claes,J., Monsieurs,P., Reeth,F.: Rendering Pen-drawings of 3D scenes on Network Processors (B)
- Nechvile,K.: The High Resolution Hemicube Algorithm (CR)
- Sanna,A., Montuschi,P., Rossi,M.: Two Algorithms for Fast Ray Tracing of Complex Scenes (I)
- Sbert,M.: Variance of Two Infinite Pah Lengh Random Walk Radiosity Estimators (ES)
15.50 - 16.00 Closing Session
16.00 Departure for Pilsen Brewery museum guided visit (number of attendees is limited to 30) - free of charge - ask at the registration desk; recommended for Czech and Slovak participants
16.00 Departure for Pilsen Brewery guided visit (number of attendees is limited to 30) - free of charge - ask at the registration desk.
19.00 Conference Dinner
Optional Program
Saturday February 15, 1997
- Guided trip to West Bohemia Spa - Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne (Carls Bad, Marien Bad) if number of participants is greater 20. There is a limit of 40 participants - free of charge
- Bishop,I.D., Rohrmann,B.: The Validity of Computer Simulation of Urban Environment for Planning and Design (AU)
- Manas,P.: Experience with CAD System Teaching at Army Academy (in Czech) (CR)
- Prikryl,J.: On Mesh Preprocessing for Radiosity (CR)
- Trefny,M., Bittner,J.: Global Visibility (CR)
- Zemcik,P., Havel,P.: Visualization of Archeological Sites (CR)
Please, contact your session chair at least 10 minutes before the session starts to introduce yourself providing your personal information etc. and to prepare audio-visuals. Available are: overhead projector, slide projector (36x24 mm), VHS PAL 50Hz (European system) and it should be possible to connect your notebook to "data show" system. There will be a PC 586/75-166MHz 32 MB RAM, CD ROM system with Windows 95 available for your needs.
Please, contact Vaclav Skala in advance if other devices are needed.
Conference office was open 7.00 - 8.30 and 13.00 - 13.30 on Tuesday - Friday.
For limited service all the day.
If you would like to take part in the exhibition, please, send all enquiries to: | |
Last update February 10, 1997 |
Later changes May 30, 1997; July 30, 1997
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