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Lihua You, Jian J Zhang, Peter Comninos

National Centre for Computer Animation
Bournemouth Univeristy
Poole, Dorset BH12 5BB
United Kingdom


Modelling and simulation of cloth deformation are of great importance in computer graphics and engineering applications. Although many models have been developed, problems still exist. No model so far can accurately describe both motion and deformation of cloth in a unified equation. And the equations for the in-plane deformation of cloth have yet to be developed. In this paper, a model for both motion and deformation of cloth will be developed which will account for the in-plane deformation of cloth. In this model, the cloth deformations under out-plane and in-plane loads were uncoupled into out-plane and in-pane deformations. The theory of small deflection bending of plates with isotropic elastic behaviours was applied to the out-plane deformation and the theory of plane stress of elastic objects was applied to the in-plane deformation. Both static and dynamic problems of cloth were taken into account. The basic governing equations were given and the corresponding finite difference formulae were developed. Two examples were given to demonstrate the applications of the proposed approach.

Keywords: cloth deformation, plate bending, computer graphics, computer simulation and animation.

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