

Dear Participant,

We would like to welcome you at GraphiCon'2008, the largest international conference on Computer Graphics between Europe and Asia that is annually organized in Russian Federation. Following well-established traditions, the 18th event is hosted by Moscow State University on June 23-27, 2008.

This year we will have a great program consisting of technical papers, posters, invited talks and industrial exhibition. Invited talks will be given by Prof. Brian Barsky (UC Berkeley, USA), Prof. D. Velichkovsky (Kurchatov Research Center, Russia), Dr. Michael Doggett (AMD), Prof. Zhenan Sun (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), and others.

The International Program Committee was formed of 44 members representing 13 countries all over the world. Being top experts in the respective areas, all of them have done a tremendous job reviewing on average 4-6 papers out of 94 submitted. We express thanks to the committee members, who served at considerable personal sacrifice and with impressive collective wisdom. The final decision was based on at least two reviews of each manuscript including short papers and ended up with 29 works selected for publications in the format of full technical paper. Some of the remaining papers were recommended for publication in a short form after revision. The final program includes 16 short papers and work-in-progress reports. Also we have decided to organize a poster session, thus some papers were recommended for interactive presentation in frames of the poster session.

Keeping traditions, this year GraphiCon has not only technical, but also extensive educational program consisting of 2 full-day tutorials and workshops for wide range of Moscow students, PhD students, researchers and staff of various companies that are interested in computer graphics topics. This year we have a number of lectures from Intel, NVidia, Microsoft, and from different universities of Russia. We would like to thank organizers of these tutorials for their willingness to share state-of-the-art knowledge in the respective fields.

We would also like to thank our main sponsor - Intel Corporation, volunteers organized by CS MSU Graphics and Media Lab, and everyone who made this event happen.

We do hope you will enjoy the conference,

Dr. Alexey Ignatenko
IPC Co-Chair