GraphiCon'2008 takes place at CMC building (2 GUM Corpus) (see on map).
ГрафиКон'2008 пройдет во втором гуманитарном корпусе (см. карту).
Call for participation
We are pleased to invite you to GraphiCon'2008 - the largest annual International conference on the Computer Graphics and Vision in the countries of the former Soviet Union.
- thematic uniqueness & geo scale: largest conference on Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Image and Video Processing in CIS
- diverse audience: from unfinned student minds to mature professionals
- applied scope: from biomedicine & nanotechnology to game development
- efficient networking: ground to bridge scientists & business united by the same researches
This year event is hosted by #1 University in Russia - Moscow State University - in association with Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics and with support of INTEL CORPORATION.
The main topics of the conference include (this list is not exhaustive):
- Graphics and multimedia:
- Geometry modeling and processing
- Photorealistic rendering techniques
- Scientific visualization
- Image-based techniques
- Computer graphics for mobile devices
- Computer graphics hardware
- Graphics in computer games
- Animation and simulation
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Image and video processing:
- Medical image processing
- Early vision and image representation
- Tracking and surveillance
- Segmentation and grouping
- Image enhancement, restoration and super-resolution
- Computer vision:
- 3D reconstruction and acquisition
- Object localization and recognition
- Multi-sensor fusion and 3-D registration
- Structure from motion and stereo
- Scene modeling
- Statistical Methods and Learning
- Applications
- Summer School (free of charge) - June 23-24
- Conference (conference fee) - June 24-27
The following sections will be organized for the event
- Summer school courses and master classes
- Full Paper Presentations
- Work in Progress Presentations
- STAR Reports
- Invited Talks
- Industrial Presentations
- Multimedia Shows
- Round table discussions
We are confident that GraphiCon'2008 may bring everyone - individual, university or company - something worthy and we encourage your participation in one of the following roles:
- VISITOR. Join us to enjoy tutorials, STAR reports, industrial presentations, multimedia shows, invited talks by world-class speakers, and more than 10 lecture sessions.
- SPEAKER. Highlight your achievements in the described above areas and gain expert feedbacks and idea sharing.
- SPONSOR. Benefit from our event and add new names to customer, partner and/or networking lists. More information
We sincerely hope for your participation in GraphiCon'2008 and look forward to your registration and/or paper submission.
We appreciate your time and kindly ask you to spend 5 minutes for online registration aimed to provide further purposeful updates. Register here.
All submissions will be carefully and anonymously reviewed by the International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference and appear in the proceedings.
Official language of the conference is English. Submissions in Russian are possible, but they will be organized in separate sections (English abstracts are required).
- Submission deadline for papers - April 7
- Notification of acceptance - May 12
- Early bird registration due - May 26
- Regular registration due - June 6
Should you have any questions, please contact us at gc2008@graphicon.ru
Access to the city of Moscow is easy and safe. There are a lot of daily direct non-stop flights from all of the countries.