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Dasarathy Belur. B

Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification Techniques

Category: Pattern Recognition

IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991


The tutorial covers the breadth of developments reported over the past four decades in the area of nearest neighbor (NN) techniques within the field of pattern recognition, with an emphasis on the more recent studies. Nearly 140 studies, representing the contributions of about as many authors, are surveyed. These studies, which span approximately 900 pages of published material, are grouped here into 10 categories, each dealing with a specific aspect of development in NN pattern classification techniques. Admittedly, some of the studies could very well fit under more than one category. However, this categorization, even if somewhat subjective, should help readers identify the developments they are interested in, without wading through the entire text. The tutorial is geared primarily toward practitioners to help them gain a quick awareness of the state of the art and identify the algorithmic developments relevant to the pattern recognition problem at hand. It is also intended to serve researches as a source of reference for locating efforts related to their work

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