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IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics



October-December, 4
- A Visibility Matching Tone Reproduction Operator for High Dynamic Range Scenes
- Modeling andd Visualization for a Pearl-Quality Evaluation Simulator
- Breadth-First Ray Tracing Utilizing Uniform Spatial Subivision
- A Wavelet Representation of Reflectance Functions
- A Fast Gibbs Sampler for Synthesizing Constrained Fractals
- Multiresolution Representation and Visualization of Volume Data
- Out-of-Core Streamline Visualization on Large Unstructured Meshes
July-September, 3
- Dynamic Free-Form Deformations for Animation Synthesis
- On Approximating Contours of the Piecewise Trililear Interpolant Using Triangular
- Rational-Quaddratic Bezier Patches
- Scattered Data Interpolation with Multilevel B-Splines
- Complex Character Positioning Based on a Compatible Flow Model of Multiple Supports
- Physically-Based Stochastic Simplification of Mathematical Knots
- Converting Discrete Images to Partitioning Trees
January-March, 1
- Survey Paper: The Topology of Symmetric, Second-Ordered 3D Tensor Fields
- Multipole Exxpansion of the Light Vector
- Error and Complexity of Random Walk Monte Carlo Radiosity
- Animation of Deformable Models Using Implicit Surfaces
- Incremental Algorithms for Collision Detection Between Polygonal Models
- Virtual Data Visualizer
- The Discrete Analytical Hypersheres
- On Compatible Star Decomposition of Simple Polygons

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Верстка, дизайн, программирование Людмила Попова
Выпускающий редактор Дмитрий Ватолин
Подготовка материала Ольга Карпенко