Раздел: Все Материалы
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[ Названиям]
1971 | |
abstract | Communication of the ACM 1971 |
1972 | |
abstract | Communications of the ACM 1972 |
1980 | |
abstract | Meissner Loren P.,Organick Elliot I Fortran 77. Featuring structured programming 1980 |
1990 | |
abstract | Siggraph-90 1990 |
abstract | Siggraph-90. Panel proceedings 1990 |
1991 | |
abstract | Communications of the ACM 1991 |
abstract | Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Principles 1991 |
abstract | Kasturi Rangachar,Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Advances and Applications 1991 |
abstract | Singh Ajit Optic Flow Computation. A Unified Perspective 1991 |
abstract | Dasarathy Belur. B Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification Techniques 1991 |
1992 | |
abstract | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 1992 |
abstract | COMMUNICATIONS of the ACM 1992 |
abstract | Baggi Denis Readings in Computer-Generated Music 1992 |
abstract | Siggraph-92 1992 |
1993 | |
abstract | Roy Sebastien,Meunier Jean Stereoscopic analysis of multiple images 1993 |
abstract | COMMUNICATIONS of the ASM 1993 |
abstract | Siggraph-93 1993 |
1994 | |
abstract | Schulz Hanns,Weiss Mirbach Isaac Projective reconstruction from curve correspondences in uncalibrated views 1994 |
abstract | COMMUNICATIONS of the ASM 1994 |
abstract | Computer society conference on Computer vision and pattern recognition 1994 |
abstract | IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines 1994 |
abstract | International conference on pattern recognition (IAPR) Volume 1 of 3 1994 |
abstract | International conference on pattern recognition (IAPR) Volume 2 of 3 1994 |
abstract | International conference on pattern recognition (IAPR) Volume 3 of 3 1994 |
abstract | International conference on image processing (ICIP) Volume 1 of 3 1994 |
abstract | International conference on image processing (ICIP) Volume 2 of 3 1994 |
abstract | International conference on image processing (ICIP) Volume 3 of 3 1994 |
abstract | International Conference On Multimedia Computing and Systems year: 1994 1994 |
abstract | Siggraph-94 1994 |
abstract | IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation 1994 |
abstract | proceedings of the Workshop on Visual Behaviors 1994 |
abstract | Applications of computer vision 1994 |
1995 | |
abstract | COMMUNICATIONS of the ASM 1995 |
abstract | Siggraph-95 1995 |
1996 | |
abstract | Debevec Paul E.,Taylor Camillo J.,Malik Jitendra Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A hybrid geometry- and image-based approach 1996 |
abstract | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 1996 |
abstract | Communications of the ACM 1996 |
abstract | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 1996 |
1997 | |
abstract | Beacom James,Wilson Roland Model Based Multiresolution Motion Analysis 1997 |
abstract | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 1997 |
abstract | COMMUNICATIONS of the ACM 1997 |
abstract | Graphicon-97 1997 |
abstract | IEEE Multimedia 1997 |
abstract | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 1997 |
1998 | |
abstract | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 1998 |
abstract | Graphicon-98 1998 |
abstract | IEEE Multimedia 1998 |
abstract | Seminal Graphics. Pioneering Efforts That Shaped The Field 1998 |
abstract | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 1998 |
Конференции] [ Книги] [ Статьи] [ Журналы] [ Все материалы] [ На главную страницу |
[ Годам]
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[ Названиям]
Hosted by Graphics & Media Lab.
http://graphics.cs.msu.su Copyright © 1999 |
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Верстка, дизайн, программирование Людмила Попова
Выпускающий редактор Дмитрий Ватолин Подготовка материала Ольга Карпенко |