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Baggi Denis    abstract    Baggi Denis Readings in Computer-Generated Music 1992
Beacom James    abstract    Beacom James,Wilson Roland Model Based Multiresolution Motion Analysis 1997
Becker Shawn    abstract    Becker Shawn,Bove V. Michael Semiautomatic 3-D model extraction from uncalibrated 2-D camera views
Berry Gerard    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Bertin Patrice    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Blaszka Thierry    abstract    Blaszka Thierry,Deriche Rachid Recovering and Characterizing Image Features Using An Efficient Model Based Approach
Bobick Aaron F    abstract    Intille Stephen S.,Bobick Aaron F Disparity-Space Images and Large Occlusion Stereo
Bove V. Michael    abstract    Becker Shawn,Bove V. Michael Semiautomatic 3-D model extraction from uncalibrated 2-D camera views
Burkhardt H    abstract    Luo A.,Burkhardt H An intensity-based cooperative bidirectional stereo matching with simultaneous detection of discontinuities and occlusions
Burkhardt H    abstract    Luo A.,Burkhardt H An Intensity-Based Method for the 3-D Motion and Structure Estimation from Binocular Image Sequences
Buschmann Ralf    abstract    Niem Wolfgang,Buschmann Ralf Automatic Modeling of 3D Natural Objects from Multiple Views
Cohen Laurent    abstract    Vinet Laurent,Sander Peter,Cohen Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Cooperative Segmentation and Stereo Matching
Cohen Peter T. Sander Laurent Vinet Laurent    abstract    Cohen Peter T. Sander Laurent Vinet Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching
Cox Ingemar J    abstract    Roy Sebastien,Meuniery Jean,Cox Ingemar J Cylindrical Rectification to Minimize Epipolar Distortion
Cox Ingemar J    abstract    Roy Sebastien,Cox Ingemar J A Maximum-Flow Formulation of the N -camera Stereo Correspondence Problem
Cox Ingemar J    abstract    Cox Ingemar J.,Roy Sebastien An Evaluation of the Constant Image Brightness Assumption and its Correction by Dynamic Histogram Warping
Dasarathy Belur. B    abstract    Dasarathy Belur. B Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification Techniques 1991
Debevec Paul E    abstract    Debevec Paul E.,Taylor Camillo J.,Malik Jitendra Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A hybrid geometry- and image-based approach 1996
Deriche Rachid    abstract    Blaszka Thierry,Deriche Rachid Recovering and Characterizing Image Features Using An Efficient Model Based Approach
Devernay Frederic    abstract    Devernay Frederic,Faugeras Olivier From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction
Faugeras O    abstract    Devernay Frederic,Faugeras Olivier From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction
Faugeras O    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Faugeras O    abstract    Faugeras O.,Mourrain B About the correspondences of points between N images
Faugeras Olivier    abstract    Devernay Frederic,Faugeras Olivier From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction
Faugeras Olivier    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Fua Pascal    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Fua Pascal    abstract    Lengagne Richard,Fua Pascal,Monga Olivier Using Crest Lines to guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo
Gagalowicz Andre    abstract    Vinet Laurent,Sander Peter,Cohen Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Cooperative Segmentation and Stereo Matching
Gagalowicz Andre    abstract    Cohen Peter T. Sander Laurent Vinet Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching
Gagalowicz Andre    abstract    Randriamasy S.,Gagalowicz Andre Region-based top-down segmentation adapted to stereo matching
Garland Michael    abstract    Heckbert Paul S.,Garland Michael Survey of Polygonal Surface Simplification Algorithms
Grau Oliver    abstract    Grau Oliver A Scene Analysis System for the Generation of 3--D Models
Heckbert Paul S    abstract    Heckbert Paul S.,Garland Michael Survey of Polygonal Surface Simplification Algorithms
Hotz Bernard    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Houkes Z    abstract    Spreeuwers L.J.,Schutte K.,Houkes Z A solution to the correspondence problem in multi-view imagery
Intille Stephen S    abstract    Intille Stephen S.,Bobick Aaron F Disparity-Space Images and Large Occlusion Stereo
Jain Ramesh C    abstract    Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Principles 1991
Jain Ramesh C    abstract    Kasturi Rangachar,Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Advances and Applications 1991
Kasturi Rangachar    abstract    Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Principles 1991
Kasturi Rangachar    abstract    Kasturi Rangachar,Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Advances and Applications 1991
Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C    abstract    Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Principles 1991
Koch Reinhard    abstract    Koch Reinhard 3-D Surface Reconstruction from Stereoscopic Image Sequences
Koch Reinhard    abstract    Koch Reinhard Automatic Reconstruction of Buildings from Stereoscopic Image Sequences
Koch Reinhard    abstract    Koch Reinhard Model-Based 3-D Scene Analysis from Stereoscopic Image Sequences
Koch Reinhard    abstract    Koch Reinhard Surface Segmentation and Modeling of 3–D Polygonal Objects from Stereoscopic Image Pairs
Lan    abstract    Lan,Zhong-Dan / Mohr Roger Robust matching by partial correlation
Lengagne Richard    abstract    Lengagne Richard,Tarel Jean-Philippe,Monga Olivier From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry
Lengagne Richard    abstract    Lengagne Richard,Fua Pascal,Monga Olivier Using Crest Lines to guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo
Luo A    abstract    Luo A.,Burkhardt H An intensity-based cooperative bidirectional stereo matching with simultaneous detection of discontinuities and occlusions
Luo A    abstract    Luo A.,Burkhardt H An Intensity-Based Method for the 3-D Motion and Structure Estimation from Binocular Image Sequences
Malik Jitendra    abstract    Debevec Paul E.,Taylor Camillo J.,Malik Jitendra Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A hybrid geometry- and image-based approach 1996
Manduchi Carlo    abstract    Manduchi Carlo,Tomasi Roberto Stereo Without Search
Mathieu Herve    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Meissner Loren P    abstract    Meissner Loren P.,Organick Elliot I Fortran 77. Featuring structured programming 1980
Meunier Jean    abstract    Roy Sebastien,Meunier Jean Stereoscopic analysis of multiple images 1993
Meuniery Jean    abstract    Roy Sebastien,Meuniery Jean,Cox Ingemar J Cylindrical Rectification to Minimize Epipolar Distortion
Moghaddam Baback    abstract    Nastar Chahab,Moghaddam Baback,Pentland Alex Generalized Image Matching : statistical Learning of Physically-Based Deformations
Moll Laurent    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Monga Olivier    abstract    Lengagne Richard,Tarel Jean-Philippe,Monga Olivier From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry
Monga Olivier    abstract    Lengagne Richard,Fua Pascal,Monga Olivier Using Crest Lines to guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo
Mourrain B    abstract    Faugeras O.,Mourrain B About the correspondences of points between N images
Nastar Chahab    abstract    Nastar Chahab,Moghaddam Baback,Pentland Alex Generalized Image Matching : statistical Learning of Physically-Based Deformations
Niem Wolfgang    abstract    Niem Wolfgang,Buschmann Ralf Automatic Modeling of 3D Natural Objects from Multiple Views
Niem Wolfgang    abstract    Niem Wolfgang Robust and Fast Modelling of 3D Natural Objects from Multiple Views
Organick Elliot I    abstract    Meissner Loren P.,Organick Elliot I Fortran 77. Featuring structured programming 1980
Pentland Alex    abstract    Nastar Chahab,Moghaddam Baback,Pentland Alex Generalized Image Matching : statistical Learning of Physically-Based Deformations
Proy Catherine    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Randriamasy S    abstract    Randriamasy S.,Gagalowicz Andre Region-based top-down segmentation adapted to stereo matching
Roy Sebastien    abstract    Roy Sebastien,Meuniery Jean,Cox Ingemar J Cylindrical Rectification to Minimize Epipolar Distortion
Roy Sebastien    abstract    Roy Sebastien,Cox Ingemar J A Maximum-Flow Formulation of the N -camera Stereo Correspondence Problem
Roy Sebastien    abstract    Roy Sebastien,Meunier Jean Stereoscopic analysis of multiple images 1993
Roy Sebastien    abstract    Cox Ingemar J.,Roy Sebastien An Evaluation of the Constant Image Brightness Assumption and its Correction by Dynamic Histogram Warping
Sander Peter    abstract    Vinet Laurent,Sander Peter,Cohen Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Cooperative Segmentation and Stereo Matching
Scharstein Daniel    abstract    Scharstein Daniel A Gradient-Based Evidence Measure for Image Matching
Scharstein Daniel    abstract    Scharstein Daniel,Szeliski Richard Stereo Matching with Non-Linear Diffusion
Schulz Hanns    abstract    Schulz Hanns,Weiss Mirbach Isaac Projective reconstruction from curve correspondences in uncalibrated views 1994
Schutte K    abstract    Spreeuwers L.J.,Schutte K.,Houkes Z A solution to the correspondence problem in multi-view imagery
Singh Ajit    abstract    Singh Ajit Optic Flow Computation. A Unified Perspective 1991
Spreeuwers L.J    abstract    Spreeuwers L.J.,Schutte K.,Houkes Z A solution to the correspondence problem in multi-view imagery
Szeliski Richard    abstract    Scharstein Daniel,Szeliski Richard Stereo Matching with Non-Linear Diffusion
Takeo Kanade    abstract    Tomasi Carlo,Takeo Kanade Detection and Tracking of Point Features
Tarel Jean-Philippe    abstract    Lengagne Richard,Tarel Jean-Philippe,Monga Olivier From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry
Taylor Camillo J    abstract    Debevec Paul E.,Taylor Camillo J.,Malik Jitendra Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A hybrid geometry- and image-based approach 1996
Theron Eric    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Tomasi Carlo    abstract    Tomasi Carlo,Takeo Kanade Detection and Tracking of Point Features
Tomasi Roberto    abstract    Manduchi Carlo,Tomasi Roberto Stereo Without Search
Torkar Drago    abstract    Torkar Drago Feature Extraction from Aerial Images and Structural Stereo Matching
Vieville Thierry    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Vinet Laurent    abstract    Vinet Laurent,Sander Peter,Cohen Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Cooperative Segmentation and Stereo Matching
Vuillemin Jean    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Weiss Mirbach Isaac    abstract    Schulz Hanns,Weiss Mirbach Isaac Projective reconstruction from curve correspondences in uncalibrated views 1994
Wilson Roland    abstract    Beacom James,Wilson Roland Model Based Multiresolution Motion Analysis 1997
Zhang Zhengyou    abstract    Zhang Zhengyou Determining the Epipolar Geometry and its Uncertainty: A Review
Zhang Zhengyou    abstract    Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications
Zhong-Dan / Mohr Roger    abstract    Lan,Zhong-Dan / Mohr Roger Robust matching by partial correlation

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