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A | ||
B | ||
Baggi Denis | abstract | Baggi Denis Readings in Computer-Generated Music 1992 |
Beacom James | abstract | Beacom James,Wilson Roland Model Based Multiresolution Motion Analysis 1997 |
Becker Shawn | abstract | Becker Shawn,Bove V. Michael Semiautomatic 3-D model extraction from uncalibrated 2-D camera views |
Berry Gerard | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Bertin Patrice | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Blaszka Thierry | abstract | Blaszka Thierry,Deriche Rachid Recovering and Characterizing Image Features Using An Efficient Model Based Approach |
Bobick Aaron F | abstract | Intille Stephen S.,Bobick Aaron F Disparity-Space Images and Large Occlusion Stereo |
Bove V. Michael | abstract | Becker Shawn,Bove V. Michael Semiautomatic 3-D model extraction from uncalibrated 2-D camera views |
Burkhardt H | abstract | Luo A.,Burkhardt H An intensity-based cooperative bidirectional stereo matching with simultaneous detection of discontinuities and occlusions |
Burkhardt H | abstract | Luo A.,Burkhardt H An Intensity-Based Method for the 3-D Motion and Structure Estimation from Binocular Image Sequences |
Buschmann Ralf | abstract | Niem Wolfgang,Buschmann Ralf Automatic Modeling of 3D Natural Objects from Multiple Views |
C | ||
Cohen Laurent | abstract | Vinet Laurent,Sander Peter,Cohen Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Cooperative Segmentation and Stereo Matching |
Cohen Peter T. Sander Laurent Vinet Laurent | abstract | Cohen Peter T. Sander Laurent Vinet Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching |
Cox Ingemar J | abstract | Roy Sebastien,Meuniery Jean,Cox Ingemar J Cylindrical Rectification to Minimize Epipolar Distortion |
Cox Ingemar J | abstract | Roy Sebastien,Cox Ingemar J A Maximum-Flow Formulation of the N -camera Stereo Correspondence Problem |
Cox Ingemar J | abstract | Cox Ingemar J.,Roy Sebastien An Evaluation of the Constant Image Brightness Assumption and its Correction by Dynamic Histogram Warping |
D | ||
Dasarathy Belur. B | abstract | Dasarathy Belur. B Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification Techniques 1991 |
Debevec Paul E | abstract | Debevec Paul E.,Taylor Camillo J.,Malik Jitendra Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A hybrid geometry- and image-based approach 1996 |
Deriche Rachid | abstract | Blaszka Thierry,Deriche Rachid Recovering and Characterizing Image Features Using An Efficient Model Based Approach |
Devernay Frederic | abstract | Devernay Frederic,Faugeras Olivier From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction |
E | ||
F | ||
Faugeras O | abstract | Devernay Frederic,Faugeras Olivier From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction |
Faugeras O | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Faugeras O | abstract | Faugeras O.,Mourrain B About the correspondences of points between N images |
Faugeras Olivier | abstract | Devernay Frederic,Faugeras Olivier From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction |
Faugeras Olivier | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Fua Pascal | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Fua Pascal | abstract | Lengagne Richard,Fua Pascal,Monga Olivier Using Crest Lines to guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo |
G | ||
Gagalowicz Andre | abstract | Vinet Laurent,Sander Peter,Cohen Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Cooperative Segmentation and Stereo Matching |
Gagalowicz Andre | abstract | Cohen Peter T. Sander Laurent Vinet Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching |
Gagalowicz Andre | abstract | Randriamasy S.,Gagalowicz Andre Region-based top-down segmentation adapted to stereo matching |
Garland Michael | abstract | Heckbert Paul S.,Garland Michael Survey of Polygonal Surface Simplification Algorithms |
Grau Oliver | abstract | Grau Oliver A Scene Analysis System for the Generation of 3--D Models |
H | ||
Heckbert Paul S | abstract | Heckbert Paul S.,Garland Michael Survey of Polygonal Surface Simplification Algorithms |
Hotz Bernard | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Houkes Z | abstract | Spreeuwers L.J.,Schutte K.,Houkes Z A solution to the correspondence problem in multi-view imagery |
I | ||
Intille Stephen S | abstract | Intille Stephen S.,Bobick Aaron F Disparity-Space Images and Large Occlusion Stereo |
J | ||
Jain Ramesh C | abstract | Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Principles 1991 |
Jain Ramesh C | abstract | Kasturi Rangachar,Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Advances and Applications 1991 |
K | ||
Kasturi Rangachar | abstract | Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Principles 1991 |
Kasturi Rangachar | abstract | Kasturi Rangachar,Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Advances and Applications 1991 |
Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C | abstract | Kasturi Rangachar Jain Ramesh C Computer Vision: Principles 1991 |
Koch Reinhard | abstract | Koch Reinhard 3-D Surface Reconstruction from Stereoscopic Image Sequences |
Koch Reinhard | abstract | Koch Reinhard Automatic Reconstruction of Buildings from Stereoscopic Image Sequences |
Koch Reinhard | abstract | Koch Reinhard Model-Based 3-D Scene Analysis from Stereoscopic Image Sequences |
Koch Reinhard | abstract | Koch Reinhard Surface Segmentation and Modeling of 3–D Polygonal Objects from Stereoscopic Image Pairs |
L | ||
Lan | abstract | Lan,Zhong-Dan / Mohr Roger Robust matching by partial correlation |
Lengagne Richard | abstract | Lengagne Richard,Tarel Jean-Philippe,Monga Olivier From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry |
Lengagne Richard | abstract | Lengagne Richard,Fua Pascal,Monga Olivier Using Crest Lines to guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo |
Luo A | abstract | Luo A.,Burkhardt H An intensity-based cooperative bidirectional stereo matching with simultaneous detection of discontinuities and occlusions |
Luo A | abstract | Luo A.,Burkhardt H An Intensity-Based Method for the 3-D Motion and Structure Estimation from Binocular Image Sequences |
M | ||
Malik Jitendra | abstract | Debevec Paul E.,Taylor Camillo J.,Malik Jitendra Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A hybrid geometry- and image-based approach 1996 |
Manduchi Carlo | abstract | Manduchi Carlo,Tomasi Roberto Stereo Without Search |
Mathieu Herve | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Meissner Loren P | abstract | Meissner Loren P.,Organick Elliot I Fortran 77. Featuring structured programming 1980 |
Meunier Jean | abstract | Roy Sebastien,Meunier Jean Stereoscopic analysis of multiple images 1993 |
Meuniery Jean | abstract | Roy Sebastien,Meuniery Jean,Cox Ingemar J Cylindrical Rectification to Minimize Epipolar Distortion |
Moghaddam Baback | abstract | Nastar Chahab,Moghaddam Baback,Pentland Alex Generalized Image Matching : statistical Learning of Physically-Based Deformations |
Moll Laurent | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Monga Olivier | abstract | Lengagne Richard,Tarel Jean-Philippe,Monga Olivier From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry |
Monga Olivier | abstract | Lengagne Richard,Fua Pascal,Monga Olivier Using Crest Lines to guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo |
Mourrain B | abstract | Faugeras O.,Mourrain B About the correspondences of points between N images |
N | ||
Nastar Chahab | abstract | Nastar Chahab,Moghaddam Baback,Pentland Alex Generalized Image Matching : statistical Learning of Physically-Based Deformations |
Niem Wolfgang | abstract | Niem Wolfgang,Buschmann Ralf Automatic Modeling of 3D Natural Objects from Multiple Views |
Niem Wolfgang | abstract | Niem Wolfgang Robust and Fast Modelling of 3D Natural Objects from Multiple Views |
O | ||
Organick Elliot I | abstract | Meissner Loren P.,Organick Elliot I Fortran 77. Featuring structured programming 1980 |
P | ||
Pentland Alex | abstract | Nastar Chahab,Moghaddam Baback,Pentland Alex Generalized Image Matching : statistical Learning of Physically-Based Deformations |
Proy Catherine | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Q | ||
R | ||
Randriamasy S | abstract | Randriamasy S.,Gagalowicz Andre Region-based top-down segmentation adapted to stereo matching |
Roy Sebastien | abstract | Roy Sebastien,Meuniery Jean,Cox Ingemar J Cylindrical Rectification to Minimize Epipolar Distortion |
Roy Sebastien | abstract | Roy Sebastien,Cox Ingemar J A Maximum-Flow Formulation of the N -camera Stereo Correspondence Problem |
Roy Sebastien | abstract | Roy Sebastien,Meunier Jean Stereoscopic analysis of multiple images 1993 |
Roy Sebastien | abstract | Cox Ingemar J.,Roy Sebastien An Evaluation of the Constant Image Brightness Assumption and its Correction by Dynamic Histogram Warping |
S | ||
Sander Peter | abstract | Vinet Laurent,Sander Peter,Cohen Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Cooperative Segmentation and Stereo Matching |
Scharstein Daniel | abstract | Scharstein Daniel A Gradient-Based Evidence Measure for Image Matching |
Scharstein Daniel | abstract | Scharstein Daniel,Szeliski Richard Stereo Matching with Non-Linear Diffusion |
Schulz Hanns | abstract | Schulz Hanns,Weiss Mirbach Isaac Projective reconstruction from curve correspondences in uncalibrated views 1994 |
Schutte K | abstract | Spreeuwers L.J.,Schutte K.,Houkes Z A solution to the correspondence problem in multi-view imagery |
Singh Ajit | abstract | Singh Ajit Optic Flow Computation. A Unified Perspective 1991 |
Spreeuwers L.J | abstract | Spreeuwers L.J.,Schutte K.,Houkes Z A solution to the correspondence problem in multi-view imagery |
Szeliski Richard | abstract | Scharstein Daniel,Szeliski Richard Stereo Matching with Non-Linear Diffusion |
T | ||
Takeo Kanade | abstract | Tomasi Carlo,Takeo Kanade Detection and Tracking of Point Features |
Tarel Jean-Philippe | abstract | Lengagne Richard,Tarel Jean-Philippe,Monga Olivier From 2D Images to 3D Face Geometry |
Taylor Camillo J | abstract | Debevec Paul E.,Taylor Camillo J.,Malik Jitendra Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A hybrid geometry- and image-based approach 1996 |
Theron Eric | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Tomasi Carlo | abstract | Tomasi Carlo,Takeo Kanade Detection and Tracking of Point Features |
Tomasi Roberto | abstract | Manduchi Carlo,Tomasi Roberto Stereo Without Search |
Torkar Drago | abstract | Torkar Drago Feature Extraction from Aerial Images and Structural Stereo Matching |
U | ||
V | ||
Vieville Thierry | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Vinet Laurent | abstract | Vinet Laurent,Sander Peter,Cohen Laurent,Gagalowicz Andre Cooperative Segmentation and Stereo Matching |
Vuillemin Jean | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
W | ||
Weiss Mirbach Isaac | abstract | Schulz Hanns,Weiss Mirbach Isaac Projective reconstruction from curve correspondences in uncalibrated views 1994 |
Wilson Roland | abstract | Beacom James,Wilson Roland Model Based Multiresolution Motion Analysis 1997 |
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Y | ||
Z | ||
Zhang Zhengyou | abstract | Zhang Zhengyou Determining the Epipolar Geometry and its Uncertainty: A Review |
Zhang Zhengyou | abstract | Faugeras Olivier,Hotz Bernard,Mathieu Herve ,Vieville Thierry ,Zhang Zhengyou,Fua Pascal,Theron Eric,Moll Laurent,Berry Gerard,Vuillemin Jean,Bertin Patrice,Proy Catherine Real time correlation-based stereo:algorithm, implementations and applications |
Zhong-Dan / Mohr Roger | abstract | Lan,Zhong-Dan / Mohr Roger Robust matching by partial correlation |
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