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Devernay Frederic,Faugeras Olivier

From Projective to Euclidean Reconstruction

Keywords: Stereoscopy,3-D Vision


To make a Euclidean reconstruction of the world seen through a stereo rig, we can either use a calibration grid, and the results will rely on the precision of the grid and the extracted points of interest, or use self-calibration. Past work on self-calib ration is focussed on the use of only one camera, and gives sometimes very unstable results. In this paper, we use a stereo rig which is supposed to be weakly calibrated using a method such as the one described in]1]. Then, by matching two sets of point s of the same scene reconstructed from different points of view, we try to find both the homography that maps the projective reconstruction]2] to the Euclidean space and the displacement from the first set of points to the second set of points. We prese nt results of the Euclidean reconstruction of a whole object from uncalibrated cameras using the method proposed here

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