You can read all abstracts in the HTML form, if delivered by the authors. Full and short communication papers are not generally available if you do not have the original CD ROM.
Full papers were published in conference proceedings, Vol. I - II, pp.1 - 516
Short Communication papers were published in conference proceedings, Vol. III, pp.1 - 146
Skala,V. (Ed.): WSCG'99 - The 7-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media'97, Vol.I.-III, Univ.of West Bohemia Press, ISBN 80-7082-490-5, Czech Republic, Plzen, 1999
Tuesday February 9, 1999
9.00 - 9.20 Room UP 108 | Opening Session |
9.20 - 10.50 Room UP 108 | Keynote speech |
Wolter, E.-F.: Cut Locus and Medial Axis in the Euclidean Space and on Surfaces, Germany |
11.10 - 12.30 Room UP 108 Animation & Applications | Chairman: Löffelmann, H. (Austria) |
11.10 - 12.30 Room UP 104 Virtual Reality & Interaction | Chairman: Zára, J. (Czech Rep.) |
13.20 - 15.00 Room UP 108 Computer Vision & Image Processing | Chairman: Pelikán,J. (Czech Rep.) |
13.20 - 15.20 Room UP 104 Visualization | Chairman: Kuchar,O. (Canada) |
17.00 City Hall - short meeting with the Mayor of the Plzen City - full papers authors only
Wednesday February 10, 1999
8.30 - 10.10 Room UP 108 Fundamental Algorithms | Chairman: Zára,J. (Czech Rep.) |
8.30 - 10.10 Room UP 104 Morphing & Warping | Chairman: Sochor,J. (Czech Rep) |
10.30 - 12.00 Room UP 108 | Keynote speech |
Strasser, W.: Handling Large Data Sets, Germany |
16.00 - 17.00 Room UP 104 Computer Animation Festival - part of the WSCG Exhibition
Brewery museum - first group at 16.00, second group at 17.00 at the Brewery museum gate (7 mins. From the Central hotel) according to a list - it was necessary to subscribe it, if interested in the visit.
Thursday February 11, 1999
9.00 - 10.40 Room UP108 Computational Geometry | Chairman: Kolingerová,I.(Czech Rep.) |
9.00 - 10.40 Room UP 104 Global Illumination | Chairman: Bekaert,P.(Belgium) |
11.00 - 12.20 Room UP 108 Virtual Reality & Interaction | Chairman: Sbert,M. (Spain) |
11.00 - 12.20 Room UP 104 Animation | Chairman: Szirmay-Kalos,L.(Hungary) |
13.00 - 14.40 Room UP 108 Surface Meshing & Modelling | Chairman: Csebvalvi,B. (Hungary) |
13.00 - 14.20 Room UP 104 Computer Aided Geometric Design | Chairman: Pratt, M.J. (USA) |
15.00 - 16.30 Room UP 108 | Keynote speech |
Pratt,J.M.: Implicit Surfaces for CAD and Computer Graphics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY, USA |
16.40 - 19.00 Room UP 108 Computer Animation Festival & Video submissions
20.00 Conference dinner
Friday February 12, 1999
9.00 - 10.40 Room UP 108 Global Illumination | Chairman: Peroche,B.(France) |
9.00 - 10.40 Room UP 104 Constraint Motion & Simulation | Chairman: Wüthrich,C.(Germany) |
10.40 - 11.00 UP 108 Closing session
Last update: 23/07/99 17:36
Hosted by Graphics & Media Lab. |
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