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Iterative Point Matching for Registration of Free-Form Curves

Keywords: Free-Form Curve Matching,3-D registration,Motion Estimation,Dynamic Scene Analysis,3-D Vision


Geometric matching in general is a diffcult unsolved problem in computer vision. Fortunately, in many practical applications, some a priori knowledge exists which considerably simpli es the problem. In visual navigation, for example, the motion between s uccessive positions is usually either small or approximately known, but a more precise registration is required for environment modeling. The algorithm described in this report meets this need. Objects are represented by free-form curves, i.e., arbitrary space curves of the type found in practice. A curve is available in the form of a set of chained points. The proposed algorithm is based on iteratively matching points on one curve to the closest points on the other. A least-squares technique is used to estimate 3-D motion from the point correspondences, which reduces the average distance between curves in the two sets. Both synthetic and real data have been used to test the algorithm, and the results show that it is e.cient and robust, and yields an a ccurate motion estimate. The algorithm can be easily extended to solve similar problems such as 2-D curve matching and 3-D surface matching

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Подготовка материала Ольга Карпенко